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Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Why of the Missionary

As a missionary if you haven’t heard this question yet, you will.  It is usually posed by a well meaning brother or sister and at times can give us an inflated ego for a few minutes.  Or it could be like the church member that told me “preacher, you preach good enough to stay here, you don’t have to leave the country we’ll find you a church here in America.”  (so much for the inflated ego)The question and its variations go like this; why go to another country? There are lots of lost people right here in… (Put in your own community, city or state).  Most people don’t understand missions in general and missionaries in particular. Over the years we have talked a lot about the “Call” or the leading of the Spirit.  The problem is until someone has the experience of having the burden of the lost placed on their life they will never fully comprehend what has happened in your life.
 As we go forth with the Gospel of Jesus Christ we must never think that we are indispensible or that we are special among God’s chosen servants.  You see, the truth is we have been called to take the truth in spite of our shortcomings.  As obedient and fallible servants the Glorious message of Jesus Christ and His power will change lives and bring many into the Kingdom of God.  We do not convince people of their sin and need for the Lord, the Holy Spirit does that.  Salvation does not come from our labors on a far away field, but from Almighty God.  Then why do we go?  I think that what it boils down to is obedience to the Call and trusting the Spirit to guide.  Charles Spurgeon said,
“The missionary enterprise, apart from supernatural influences, is the most  insane that ever crossed the mind of man. Yea, I will venture to say, that the work of preaching the gospel, even in Christian England, is of all attempts the most foolish, unless we believe in the celestial power, which alone can make  preaching to be of any avail. “                                  
The key is in knowing where the power comes from.  The power of salvation is God’s and His alone. The wonderful thing about this understanding is that we can trust fully in the Lord and His power.  If we are obedient we will see His work in and through our lives.  Stay sensitive to the leading of the Lord, even if you can’t explain it, the center of God’s will is the best place to be.
Grace and Peace,
Mike & Annette

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