Of course this was in the context of our organization. It is not true when we deal in the spiritual realm or with the changeless Christ (I am not talking about the local church). I have often wondered why we, who serve this changeless One, live in such turmoil and change.
There is also the issue of "change stress". This occurs when changes constantly occur and we never feel at home or comfortable. Some can´t deal with this constant change mode and end up resigning or succumbing to stress related illnesses. The trite response is, "Pray about it and trust in the Lord". While it is a truth that we need to pray and trust, it is also true that we must deal personally with our feelings about change. What is it about change that bothers us so? Is it the feeling of having no control over our lives? Maybe we feel as if something promised is being taken away. Some may feel they have no say in decisions being made that directly affect their lives.
What one person said about the statement "change is good" expressed that seldom is this true. Often the ones who say it are the ones making the changes not the ones who must live with the consequences. It reminds me a little of a definition I heard many years ago concerning the difference between major surgery and minor surgery. The definition I heard states, "major surgery is something that happens to me and mine and minor surgery is what happens to you and yours".
We must be honest with ourselves and with God. Sometimes we must admit that we are angry about change. We must recognize that while we do not have control over certain areas of our lives we still have a responsibility to maintain our devotion to the Father. So yes, pray-pray-pray
Change may not always be positive from our point of view, but it is a reality that we must live with. We certainly must change with the times in certain areas of our lives. When dealing with computer woes, I have said on occasion that it would be better to get a legal pad and a number 2 pencil. The truth is that doing that would work no better than buying all of our personnel horses instead of automobiles. The times have changed and we must adapt in many areas of our lives.
Jonah liked change no better than we. When the people Jonah had preached to, repented and got right with God and then God relented on his threat to destroy them, Jonah was incensed! Attitudes can place us in conflict with our Lord, our brothers and sisters in Christ and even our Call.
Our prayer is that with all the changes you are facing, you place your total trust and confidence in the Changeless Sovereign Lord. He is not surprised, nor will His work be thwarted by man. He will continue to perfect the work He started in you, until that glorious day when change will be no more and we rest in His arms.
Mike and Annette
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