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Saturday, December 26, 2009

At The Beach



This subject is wanted for stealing a bag of potato chips on the beach at Manuel Antonio.  This chip stealer or the Chip Bandit as he is known, is part of an organized gang know as the Monkey Business Bunch.  It is further believed that this gang works in tandem with the notorious Raccoon bandits, who have been accused of opening knapsacks and stealing ham and cheese sandwiches leaving the beachgoers without their lunch. These unrepentant creatures are living a life of unbridled crime and if not stopped may die of high cholesterol.


The Byrd's Nest said...

lol....I have seen this bandit before!!!

ReVoLuTiOnArY TeNdEnCiEs said...

It seems that they made a monkey out of you. I bet it was the raccoons who started the whole "monkey business" thing. Because as we all know, "monkey see monkey do". And when this happens, like those who go to the beach, it really throws a monkey wrench into one's plans. :)