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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Which Model Is Best?

There is and has always been a great deal of talk about Models on the mission field.  Evangelism models, Church planting models, Leadership training models etc.  I can't tell you how many meetings I have attended where a speaker or speakers were brought in to give us the latest model for Church planting.  It is always the newest, the latest and the greatest! (tongue in cheek :-)  It works in China, it works in California, it works in... You get the point.  From those conferences missionaries went back to their fields armed with new strategies, plans and models.  Many tried to implement these models only to be discouraged by the results and then waited to get something "new" at the next conference.

I am asked by new missionaries on occasion; What is the best model? First let me say that rarely are Models
transferable.  The Model gurus that write the books don't want you to hear that, but it is true.  Almost all Models have some basic principals that are transferable, but that does not mean that simply plugging in these principles guarantees a successful Church Plant or Evangelistic Outreach etc.  Usually Models work in a specific context after the leader stumbles on to it through trail and error.  Herein dwells the difficulty, most people just want to  be given something for their situation that they can plug in.  You know change the title and maybe the language and Voila! CPM.  The inventor Edison after  many failed experiments on the electric light was quoted as saying, I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.  How many of us would have stopped after 5 or 10 failed attempts?  You see planting churches is hard work and ultimately it is God's work.  I am  not making excuses or saying God has to do it and thereby justify my inaction, but it is true the Spirit convicts, convinces, and the power of God saves sinners.

Well then what are we to do?  I suggest that when looking at any Model, look at the eternal Biblical concepts that can be transferred, tailor them to your cultural context, pray as never before and work to see what God will do.

One Pastor of a famous Mega-Church movement that has "franchises" all over the USA and the world was quoted in a rare moment of transparency. When asked about the phenomenal numerical growth of their churches was quoted as saying, Our Church is a mile wide and one inch deep.  There are many that see the numbers game is all that matters.  How sad if we have lots of numbers but few true disciples of Christ. The saddest of all is when we give assurance to people that look like Christians but have had no true conversion in their lives.

God will give you a way to reach the people to whom you are sent.  He loves them more than you and He has many sheep that have not come into the fold.  Be faithful, be true and realize that He will work in you and through you to reach the Nations.

Grace for the days ahead,

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